Monday, June 25, 2012

We made a name for what you like

I think that the label "noise pop" as applied by these guys to to make the 100 Essential Noise Pop Songs list is so broad that it's meaningless, but I do like every song on the mix, which never happens.

So I'm going to be posting 100 more noise pop songs, which will just be stuff I like too, for every year that they did. It's not better or anything, just more. (Plenty of them are the songs I woulda picked first.)

1970 through '80


Their pick:

Velvet Underground, "Rock and Roll."

Confusions, "Voice From the Inner Soul."


Their pick:

Big Star, "The Ballad of El Goodo."

My pick:

Roxy Music, "Re-Make/Re-Model"


Their pick:

The Feelies, "The Boy With Perpetual Nervousness."

My pick:

Pylon, "Feast on My Heart."

(to be continued…)

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